8.5X8.5, 38 pgs
978-1736404058 Hardback 17.99
978-1736404041 Paperback 11.99

This book is a special needs child’s silent prayer book utilizing family prayer to help non-speaking children with Autism and Special Needs to learn how to pray and communicate with God in their own manner.
Christine is a special-needs, storytelling mom who is an inclusion and special needs advocate. Being a special needs parent-led advocate, Christine chose to dedicate her life to serving as an advocate for individuals and families of children with disabilities. Christine is a believer in creating inclusive communities, increasing student achievement with meaningful parent involvement practices, and helping parents be well-informed advocates for their children. Christine believes everyone should have the ability and access to practice their faith with their community’s support.
Christine is the creator of www.SensoryFriends.com; a site with resources and a special needs directory dedicated to helping families become inclusion advocates. She has served as a Board and Committee member of the Autism Society of Florida, NCLB (No Child Left Behind), ECTAC (East Coast Technical Assistance Center), Committee of Practitioners for ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) and Florida PIRC (Parent Involvement Resource Center), Special Advisory Committee for The Florida Association for Positive Behavior Support, The Home and Community Positive Behavior Support, several local Parent Support Groups, School and ESE (Exceptional Student Education), and Advisory Councils of several School Districts in the state of Florida.
Christine served as a Governor-appointed member of the Florida Rehabilitation Council (charged with collaborating with Vocational Rehabilitation in helping individuals with disabilities obtain and maintain gainful employment). Christine continues to help parents and self-advocates navigate the special education process and inclusion practices.