Rob has become an avid writer of action and suspense novels. He enjoys writing books that include some of his exciting life events. Rob is living his dream writing stories he’s always wanted to do, but time did not allow. Previously he wrote non-fiction writing related to his real estate career, like his eBook on property management called The Landlord Way. He began adapting stories based loosely on his early experiences visualizing many more adventures happening in future stories to come.
His first fiction novel Deadly Plans was inspired by a visit to an orange bauxite lake in Jamaica. His next book Deadly Diamond: A Diamond to Die for centers around South Florida and Italy leading to his current book Secrets: Murder, Lies, and Politics which is the final storyline for the group of friends Max, Sam, Ann and Peggy whom he developed based upon close friends from his past. Currently he his working on his new book with new characters to fall in love with.