Paperback – 6X9, 254 pgs

ISBN 978-0-997510867

Ebook 978-0-997510874


Aging Well and Reaching Beyond is Dr. Iyers first book meant for the public. Previously Dr. Iyer’s writings and books have been for medical students and training.  Dr. Iyer is the author of Decision Making in Clinical Surgery. He has been a General Surgery Specialist in Palm Harbor, FL and has over 53 years of experience in the medical field.

Aging Well and Beyond is a book about health and wellness and maintaining the best YOU possible. Birth and death are miracles. Death is inevitable. Between birth and death, a person’s journey goes through multiple phases of joy and turmoil, uncertainty and surprises, ups and downs. While death is unavoidable, one can take efforts to postpone the eventuality, and enjoy life in the best way possible. How to live well, how to age gracefully, how to maintain good health, how to prepare oneself for the eventuality, and how to pass away peacefully. Most of the measure described are described are scientific to help one undertake the journey well and end it nicely.

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